Intellectually Honest Conservatives

Really DO exist. Just check this post out, reacting to more of the ridiculous fringe-lunacy about Barack Obama’s supposed “Muslim ties”. Thank you, Rick Moran. I may not agree with your politics, but I appreciate your intellectual honesty. (Don’t agree about them being “freed”, however.)

But the idea that Obama in traditional Kenyan garb proves he’s some kind of closet Muslim or Islamic sympathizer is absurd. Kenya is 70% Christian and only 10% Muslim. To extrapolate that Obama’s dress denotes anything other than acknowledging his birthright not to mention playing the gracious guest by donning the clothing of his hosts is irrational, stupid, ignorant, and totally without foundation.

One good point made by an emailer is that even if he isn’t a Muslim, Obama may be more sympathetic to Muslims than any other candidate.

I hope so. Someone sympathetic to Muslims wouldn’t use the word “Crusade” when talking about the war in Afghanistan. That utterance by Bush did more to harm US-Muslim relations than anything except possibly the war in Iraq which most Muslims refuse to acknowledge freed 25 million of their co-religionists from one of the most brutal regimes in the world.

The most recent lunacy surrounds a photograph of Obama clothed in traditional Kenyan garb during a trip to Kenya, which sent the nutjobs into a frenzy about him being a ‘closet Muslim’.

This plays straight to McCain and his nonsense about “Islamofascists” or whatever he’s calling them today. Oh, the paranoia almost overwhelms sometimes.

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