iPeachment ’08 – Impeachment for the 21st Century

Yes, it took Dennis Kucinich 5 or so hours to read the litany of Bush crimes into the Congressional record yesterday but really, is that so bad? Evidently so, since news broadcast editors have decided it’s far too banal to mention or even discuss on those television news shows everyone watches to get informed. But what if they were presented in 45-second YouTube bullets, just enough to accommodate the Attention Deficit Disorder set while maybe, just maybe, making them afraid, very afraid of the men who made them very afraid?

Here’s something to start the trend. Pass it on to your friendly George Bush apologist and see what he or she thinks. After all, it’s only fitting that the architect of the Culture of Fear also be the one we fear.

Here are the articles of impeachment in convenient, wallet-sized text bullets.

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