Taylor Marsh = Hillary’s Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter:

Huckabee is a “compassionate conservative” only in the sense that calling him a conservative is being compassionate.

Taylor Marsh:

Barack Obama isn’t an original. He’s the first 21st century L. Ron Hubbard of politics, Elmer Gantry, name your huckster.

Can you imagine four years of this bullshit? Taylor Marsh on CNN and Huffpo every day, shrilly proclaiming Senate Democrats as “closet conservatives”, berating the electorate for not supporting Hillary’s push to garnish wages for those slackers who didn’t sign up for the best damn health insurance on the planet, calling for the castration of every male who uses the word “claws” in a sentence? Excoriating bankers for fighting a mortgage interest freeze, while telling our troops to get “fired up and ready to go” for a stint in Iran?

I’ve seen that future. I don’t like it. I’m tired of waking up in the morning and hearing more shrill, irrational proclamations and hyperbole.

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