Take the MOMocrats $27 Challenge

MOMocrat PunditMom put out a challenge awhile back, and now the MOMocrats are throwing it down to the rest of us.

Here it is, in a nutshell:

Several months ago, I read Melinda Henneberger’s book, If They Only Listened to Us: What Women Voters Want Men to Hear. As she was promoting her book, Henneberger quoted a statistic in one article that if every woman who voted in the 2006 national elections had contributed just $27 to any presidential candidate or party, we would pour $1.3 billion dollars into the political system.


I’m asking each of you to think about cutting back on the Starbucks just a little bit and contribute $27 to the candidate or political party of your choice. It doesn’t have to be John McCain or Barack Obama. It doesn’t even have to be a presidential candidate — there are plenty of candidates running for national and local offices who could use a little extra cash to get out their messages. If we pool our money, so much the better. But imagine what our $1.3 billion dollars would do, even as individual contributions, to increase the volume of our political voices. Even John McCain would have to sit up and take notice of the issues we think are important.

If you take the $27 challenge and decide to contribute to Obama, would you also consider doing it via my fundraising page? No obligation here, I’m with PunditMom, in that I’d really just like to see every person who votes scrape together $27 and give it to the campaign of their choice.

Imagine the power of $27, multiplied by every voter in this country. Isn’t that public financing at its finest?

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