Will Obama enslave the entire white race?
Interview or argument? You decide.
As much as I hate the idea of linking to anything related to Fox News, it’s really worth watching this entire video to see how hard Fox reporters work to slant the story. Rev. Michael Pfleger does a great job of saying his piece despite the best efforts of this reporter to get that wonderful soundbite for BillO’s show.
Amazing that Fox is still flogging the Reverend Wright story. I think it’s time for a grass-roots church movement to rise up and push back.
My favorite quote from the whole thing is this one:
“It is interesting to me that when white people criticize America, they’re critical. When black people criticize America, they’re haters of America.”
Well, that, and the part where he leaves the reporter speechless after letting him know the truth about Martin Luther King.
Racism isn’t going to go away in the national campaign. It’s going to become more and more of an issue.
On last night’s Daily Show Jon Stewart articulated the deep-seated fears of those white racist voters, the ones who really think Reverend Wright is an issue, the flag-pin standard bearers:
JS: I’m going to cut through the spin for you, sir. This is what I’m here for. There’s a lot of insinuation amongst the pundits about these controversies. The Reverend Wright controversy, the flag pin controversy. By the way, I am wearing mine. It’s just pinned directly to my chest. I can tell you what the real concern is. You can answer this question right here, right now and put it all to bed.
BO: [laughs] Go ahead.
JS: Sir, we are concerned that ultimately at the end of the day, if you are fortunate enough to get the Democratic nomination, fortunate to become President of the United States, will you pull a bait-and-switch, sir, and enslave the white race? Is that your plan? And, if it is your plan, be honest. Tell us now.
BO: [laughs] That is not our plan Jon, but I think you’re paranoia might make you suitable as a debate moderator.
(H/T) Lynn Sweet
Racism isn’t going to go away in this election cycle or any other time soon, but 15% is hardly a majority either. Despite the efforts of the Clintons to play the race card and then deny it, it hasn’t hurt him in the primary season. It will undeniably be a card played by McCain surrogates, but it doesn’t necessarily hold that racists would push the election over to McCain. With over 80% of people saying the country is going in the wrong direction, over 60% of the people opposed to the Iraq war, McCain may get a small bump from those who would never vote for a black guy, but I believe that if any time is right, it’s this time.
- Obama in 30 Seconds – The Politician Game
- A More Perfect Union