What planet is this guy on?

In today’s Ventura County Star opinion section, Thomas D. Elias writes:

Californians may soon find out what happens when one of this state’s most popular political ideas meets one of its most popular politicians ever.

The idea: Term limits. The politician: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The background reality: No one likes being a lame duck, and that especially applies to Schwarzenegger, who thrives on having his options open.

Mr. Elias goes on to try to make an argument for why Californians might bend on their oh-so-rigid term limit stance to allow Arnold four more years.

Reality check: The Arnold is NOT popular. Don’t let the election results fool you. Had the Democrats put a truly viable candidate up to run against Arnold he would not have won by the apparent landslide that the returns seemed to indicate. The last election was not about Arnold, it was about Villaraigosa. If the Democrats field a viable candidate in the next gubernatorial election, it’s likely Arnold will be history. (Either that or he’ll change parties.)

Mr. Elias’ conclusion:

The upshot: Expect to see a proposition on the 2008 primary election ballot — or in a special election before then — aiming both to give lawmakers more time and to change the current patently unfair redistricting process.

Oh, the last phrase gave him away. He lives on the Planet Republican. No WONDER.

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