Wow, I’m Among the Elite! Are you?

Dear readers, I have a confession to make.

I am an elitist. I must be an elitist because I love — adore — vacationing in Hawaii. Especially Maui.

Drawn to the rhythm

Makena is probably my most favorite beach in the entire world, at least the world I’ve seen. Clear water, whales, colorful fish, warm sun, tropical temperatures.

If Barack Obama is an elitist for going home to vacation, then so am I for being completely in love with his home state.

Along with at least 2.5 million of you, I have joined the ranks of the snobbish elite.

Please forgive me right after you rip the sanctimonious heads off of the RNC and all the idiotic meme-wankers who keep this crap alive.

Just to make you all that much more jealous of my ascension, here’s the view looking back from the one above:

Looking away

Because I may not have my own ranch or throw barbeques for the press at my private manor, but hey, I can say I’ve been to Maui, so screw those idiots.

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