Obama’s Surprise VP Choice

Steve Gillmor?

According to Obama, “I’ve been listening to Steve’s podcasts and following both the Gillmor Gang and NewsGang Live for some time now. As it turns out, Steve and I think very much alike. He’s tireless and unrepentant when he locks on to an issue that he believes strongly in, and that’s just the kind of determination we need on the campaign trail, and even more so after we win the election in November, given the number of challenges ahead of us..”

Gillmor expressed shock and mild anger when informed of the announcement, stating, “Once again, track was down, and I was unable to follow anything or anyone today, on Twitter or Identi.ca, so I was late getting the news. Of course, I’m surprised.”

Warner Crocker just rocks.

Aside: Yesterday and today’s NewsGang Live podcasts deal with the “fierce urgency of now”, Twitter, track, identi.ca, and why they really matter.

That, and who the REAL running mate might be.

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