Leadership in Action

“there is no problem we cannot solve…”

What first attracted me to Barack Obama’s candidacy was the possibilities that I saw in his grass-roots bottom-up system of community organization. Here you see it in action, with the candidate digging in, too. (Yes, the button-down tailored shirt* and nice slacks are a bit dissonant, but that’s still Barack Obama shoveling sand.)

He’s sent a shout-out to the entire online community to come help in Iowa, Indiana and Illinois. He’s also asked for donations from those who aren’t able to come and help in person.

Where is our current President? In France. Has he made any moves toward helping? No, not really. And just as a reminder and stark contrast, here is where Bush and John McCain were while people were drowning in New Orleans:

Where was John McCain yesterday? In Arlington, VA, where he released this statement:

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those impacted by the flooding throughout the Midwest. Cindy and I would like to extend our sympathies to all those who have lost loved ones, and stand ready to help those in the Midwest to recover and rebuild.”

The leader I want is one that puts action to words. While McCain is ‘standing ready’, Obama is out there with his sleeves rolled up.

The differences are stark.

*Twitbud @kshep corrects my shirt description, saying ” I know button-downs, some of my best shirts are button-downs, and that’s no button-down.” I stand corrected.

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