The Obama Family Cookbook

Over on the Obama blog, member Montana has compiled “The Obama Family Cookbook”, a collection of recipes from other community members on the blog. I think this is so cool! She’s compiled favorite family recipes from over 120 people all over the country in all categories, from appetizers to salads and everything in between.

You can download the recipes through the links here. This cookbook is dedicated to her daughter Carrie, who died of epilepsy two years ago. They’re free for the download, but she does ask that you consider making a small campaign donation in exchange for the download. Donations are not mandatory at all, but she appreciates whatever support you give to the campaign. You can also add your own recipes if you’re so inclined.

Politics aside, this is what community is about. Someone gets an idea, mobilizes the community, and gets stuff done. Speaking of getting stuff done, here’s a video of Barack Obama talking about how he hopes to mobilize the community he’s built through the campaign. This is one of the main reasons he captured my attention in the beginning, and it continues to be compelling to me. He and his advisors get it. They get what it means to organize in-person and online communities and unite them toward a goal.

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