MOMocrats ask REAL debate questions; Obama answers

After the ridiculous debate on ABC, readers and writers over at MOMocrats alike were outraged. While countless prime-time minutes were spent on pins and pastors, we were robbed of an opportunity to learn about what Senators Clinton and Obama planned to do about global warming, torture, poverty, the credit crisis, food safety, relations with China, health care, child care costs, the rising cost of fuel, and education funding.

As a mom, I know how frustrating it is to see something important trivialized and set by the wayside in favor of fluff, non-issues and stupid conflicts. My first instinct is to fix it, or go find the answers on how to fix it. The MOMocrats are no different. They took matters into their own hands, compiled a list of questions from readers and writers alike, and contacted the Clinton and Obama campaigns.

Barack Obama responded to the interview questions, and MOMocrats has posted the interview on their blog*. (Read the press releases here or here)

The significance of Senator Obama’s response to the MOMocrats’ inquiry shouldn’t go unnoticed. It puts legs to the words he speaks about building a movement from the ground up, instead of the top down. His willingness to address their questions seriously and in good faith (not to mention timely) shows an unprecedented commitment to transparency and two-way communication.

His choice to respond directly to a group of bloggers who are clearly influencers, but have been organized for only six months (though their writers have been blogging much longer than that) reinforces the strength of his commitment. If I were wearing a hat, it would be off to Senator Obama. I’m looking forward to continuing the conversation for eight more years.

Long live the MOMocrats for taking the initiative and getting REAL answers to the questions we all care about.

*Note: as of this writing, there was a technical glitch with getting the interview posted, but it’s expected to be published within the next couple of hours. If it’s not there when you click, keep trying…they’re getting it posted as fast as they can.

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