Roseanne’s Got Vice on her Mind

Roseanne Barr wrote one of the most amazing columns I’ve ever read at the Huffington Post, and I don’t mean that in a good way. Just the first line was enough to send me over to Twittertale for my use of 4-letter words. Straight from the mouth of the monster the Roseanne machine:

You must pass through this filter first though: bow to the woman.

And this:

Be a man and take vice, bow to the woman who is the last vestige of the New Deal which represents universal health care.

I cannot even imagine how that would play in reverse. Howard Wolfson would be out of his body, head exploding in his morning conference call with reporters (which, by the way, you can listen to in its entirety on a daily basis, thanks to Dave Winer)

Erin, aka QueenofSpain, thought that it might be satire, but if you’ve read any of Roseanne Barr’s other spatterings over on Huffpo, it’s obvious that she really is serious. So Roseanne, take my vice [sic] and if you really are in Hillary’s camp, please, please stop writing. Having you as a surrogate is somewhat akin to having John McCain’s new BFF John Hagee in your court. Just. Scary.

Erin has some ‘vice’ for Roseanne, too, along with some other men and women who think it’s incredibly offensive to call for any person to bow to another, but in particular, Roseanne’s choice words. Digg Erin’s post here.

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