Hillary Clinton’s Experience

There have been at least 100,000 words written about Hillary Clinton’s “experience” (or lack of it). There have been hours upon hours of pundit pounding about it. Speech upon speech has been given, sound bites piled on. It really just comes down to this: A Senator with foreign policy experience would have read the NIE report on Iraq before voting on a resolution to send young men and women into Iraq to die. Hillary Clinton did not. Evidently, she did not even fully understand what she was voting for when she cast her vote.

This cannot be interpreted as anything other than what it is: A complete lack of experience. Time proves that to be true, with the news that there was no ties between Al Qaeda and Iraq, and the older news that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

This is now a critical point, because now that Admiral Fallon has been ousted resigned, there are no military barriers blocking a war with Iran.

Remember this if you are at all swayed by the claim of “experience” by John McCain or Hillary Clinton. Basically, they didn’t read the contract before they signed off on it.

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