About Race

I was going to write a post about my attitudes, as a white person who was raised in a more-or-less colorblind household. How I pushed back during the 60’s and 70’s against racism and how I celebrated the baby steps we took toward making us equal. How excited I’ve been by Barack Obama’s seeming ability to move past his race and deal with the larger question of how we all live together on this planet with some common goals.

I was going to write about how I view race and racial divides, but how I view them doesn’t really matter all that much. The fact is that I don’t have the first-hand experience of what it feels like to constantly be dealing with race as an issue. Instead of writing about my views, I’m asking you to read these posts instead:

Is there hope? I’m determined not to let the racists win this. For me, there is hope. We’ve seen what arrogant white men have done to our country. Let’s try something different for a change.

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