Taking the Hypocritic Oath

  1. John McCain, a former Vietnam prisoner of war, now endorses torture by voting against the waterboarding ban.
  2. Clinton supporter and former Clinton Special Counsel who has already declared for Hillary Clinton claims to be “independent“.
  3. John Edwards is considering an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, in spite of her lack of attention to poverty, a center theme of his campaign? If I were an Edwards supporter, I’d be pretty disappointed.
  4. How Hillary Clinton could turn her back on the FISA vote, trampling on the Constitution in the process? But hey, at least she put out a press release. That sure helped. Note to Hillary: To me, this is the second most important issue out there, next to the war in Iraq. This is a constitutional issue. You had a duty to come to the Senate and uphold and defend the Constitution.
  5. How Bill Clinton, Mr. “I Never Inhaled”, can characterize the Obama campaign as “smoke and mirrors“.
  6. Why we allow the Bush Administration to lie and lie and lie (and let’s not forget deny) without impeaching Bush and Cheney?
  7. Does McCain really believe the surge is working? Total dead so far in February: 131
  8. The immorality of ignoring our Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans when they return, and the utter immorality that Bush demonstrated by promising veterans things like education fund transfers in the State of the Union address but leaving it out of the budget? Liar, liar.
  9. Can the Bush Administration really, truly tell us that wiretaps make us safer when they were doing it before 9/11? And how does it make you feel to know you paid your telephone company for the privilege of having them listen into everything you did?
  10. How, in a time where we are in a war, might be heading toward a recession, have a failure of courage in both houses of Congress, have a deeply divided and increasingly bitter electorate, can we waste even one SECOND of our lawmakers’ time on hearings as to whether Roger Clemens‘ trainer shot him up with steroids??? It was not just embarrassing; it was humiliating to have the world see such idiocy on four major cable news channels simultaneously. Don’t our lawmakers have anything better to do?

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