Hillary, What the Hell is a Black Brown Debate?

Yes, I know that 100 Black Men, the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, IMPACTO and others were the sponsors of tonight’s debate. And good for them. Since when, however, is a debate exclusively for the benefit of one group of voters over another? Will the next one be a Male-Female debate, sponsored by NOW and the League of Women Voters?

I really resent being placed into voter pigeonholes, particularly on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s birthday. Was the goal of civil rights to create voter pockets that everyone is neatly tucked into? Minority issues are important to me, too and should be a major part of the campaign dialogue that we all give attention to. It’s not enough to choose Clinton because we supposely “need a woman President” (nonsense!) or Obama because he’s the “first viable African-American candidate” any more than it should be enough to vote for clean-cut white men who lie and make wars. Are we really going to allow ourselves to be painted into media stereotypes? This year, more than any other, the information is available to all of us to decide without the intervention of reporters and media pundits.

As a long-time Clinton supporter and fan of Hillary Clinton’s poise and composure in the face of her husband’s impeachment on bogus charges, I’m here to say that I think her conduct since winning in New Hampshire has been contemptible. Now I hear that she and Obama have agreed to back off, but of course, she’s already done the damage with the race-baiting and support of Mr. BET’s smarmy suggestive comments about Obama. It’s disappointing, but not surprising. She did, after all, learn at the feet of the very masters who laud her now. Will Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich stand up and take a bow, please?

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