Dr. Dobson Needs Some Toughlove

Dobson is at it again. Really, his non-profit status should be revoked because he wields his political club with force and my taxpayer dollars should not fund it, directly or indirectly.

We implore the NAE board to ensure that Mr. Cizik faithfully represents the policies and commitments of the organization, including its defense of traditional values. If he cannot be trusted to articulate the views of American evangelicals on environmental issues, then we respectfully suggest that he be encouraged to resign his position with the NAE.

I call on James Dobson and friends to seriously consider Jim Wallis’ call for a real debate and discussion on whether global warming is a moral issue, and what solutions he proposes for the population growth issues.

Further, I suggest that the IRS explore the legitimacy of the tax-exempt status of Focus on the Family, which indirectly funds Dobson’s political meddling.

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